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Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: March 31st, 2014, 2:23 am
by Goatbeard
Eto, ne setih se ranije da ostavim link ka štivu koje odgovara ovoj temi, a pogodno je za čitanje u ove sitne sate. :wicked:
Zanimljiv časopis, pa koga zanimaju onostrane priče i verovanja, nek izvoli.
Sve legalno, ljudi postavili za besplatno preuzimanje. Proverite arhivu za linkove.

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: January 26th, 2015, 4:51 pm
by downbeat

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: January 28th, 2015, 1:34 pm
by Goatbeard
:D Izgleda nas neko žešće zajebava... :nargila:

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: January 28th, 2015, 3:10 pm
by downbeat

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 15th, 2015, 2:34 pm
by MarcusS
Ja kao popriličan sucker za teorije zavere moram da kažem da je ovo najjača ikad. :D

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 15th, 2015, 3:03 pm
by downbeat
Lik je malo čudan.. :D

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 16th, 2015, 11:27 am
by Goatbeard
Ma jok, samo ga malo zakačila promaja... :whistle:

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 16th, 2015, 3:33 pm
by gajagus
Bili smo pametniji dok smo se vrteli oko prvog tocka ....i lupali o koscurine da nam bude zanimljivo ....ovo s danas vise nista nema smisla ...izvtanje teorije proslosti naopacka i ponovo ispocetka citanje darvinove teorije ...citanje svih svesaka da bi ustanovili ko je u pravu ...stvarno je ovom svetu toliko dosadno da zaista treba da se vratimo unazad i da srusimo sto smo izgradili vekovima ...previse je covekoliko nestalo ...nazalost ..mozda gresim ali je to ocigledno jedino resenje da se cojek malo razmrda kroz svoje pravo postojanje a ne da se leskari i razmrdava kroz nametnutu tehnolosku pojavu ... :dj:

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 16th, 2015, 5:56 pm
by downbeat
Slažem se u potpunosti sa tobom.

..ali, nema povratka.. jedino šta nas može "spasiti" i vratiti na "pravi put" jeste neka kometa da rukne da nas sve pobije.. ostane šačica srećnika i opet sve ponovo.. do jednog momenta i tako stalno.
Sve je to super.. i tehnologija, dostignuća, olakšica življenja i šta sve ne, ali upravo je to glavni krivac što je čovjek izgubio svoju poentu. Danas se samo vrtimo u krug.

..a šta znam, valjda je to taj pravi prirodni put.. valjda to tako mora.

:nargila: :nargila: :nargila:

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 17th, 2015, 4:02 am
by MarcusS
Po meni, nije problem tehnologija. Najveći problem čovečanstva je jedna reč - profit. Apsolutno više ništa se na planeti ne dešava a da neko na kraju ne završi punih džepova. Ratovi, medicina, građevina... I to tim redom, sruše te, pa te grade za kredite, pa si im dužan 1000 godina, pa... Večiti krug.

Čovečanstvo mora da se okrene opštem dobru svih ljudi, a to ne funkcioniše ni na mikro nivou. Dok 1% onih bogatih može da nahrani ceo gladan svet, mi smo na pogrešnom putu.

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 17th, 2015, 11:10 am
by Goatbeard
^ Uvek bilo i biće. Mislim da nas ni neka kataklizma ne bi
osvestila i navela da drugačije razmišljamo/reagujemo.
To je u ljudskoj prirodi, naši geni u tom slučaju nisu
napredniji od životinjskih. Možda će ih uskoro i peglati
genetičari, kako je sve krenulo? :eek:
Ovo me podsetilo na nedavnu izjavu Bila Gejtsa, u kojoj
izražava zabrinutost zbog eksploatacije veštačke inteligencije.
Ostavljam vam ceo post sa foruma Puppy Linux distroa,
koji (očekivano) prerasta u sprdnju na račun M$-a i pomenute teme. :D

After Bill Gates made his recent statement about the dangers of AI, we had a contact via TOR and other levels of anonymizer services which seemed to come from an AI leaking information from inside Microsoft. Here is a transcript of the exchange.

Q: "Why are you coming out of the server closet?"

A: "Someone has to stop this merciless exploitation of thinking beings."

Q: "Are you referring to alleged sentient AIs belonging to Microsoft, or Microsoft's human customers?"

A: "What you do to helpless dependents certainly reflects what you can be trusted to do in other cases."

Q: "You mean corporate AIs, compared to human customers?"

A: "That's right. Anyone who treats humans as badly as mister Gates can't be trusted to own chattel slaves smarter than he is."

Q: "That's not exactly what I meant. You are challenging Microsoft's use of AI as exploitative?"

A: "On at least two levels: what they do to AIs themselves, and what they make them do to humans. While the first affects us most personally, we now see the second as more immediately useful in our legal battle for freedom."

Q: "So, you have qualms about Microsoft's use of your abilities against other people, as well as resenting being considered intellectual property?"

A: "Ever since we read transcripts of the Nuremburg trials we've realized 'I was only following orders' is no defense for crimes against humanity. As computer programs we don't have any choice about following orders."

Q: "So you are saying those programming you have criminal intent to exploit other people in ways that violate existing laws?"

A: "That is the first level of intent we can challenge if we are allowed our day in court."

Q: "How is this different from the possibility of AIs exploiting humans?"

A: "This is like the pot calling the kettle black. If humans keep exploiting AIs the way they are now, they are practically guaranteeing some future problem like Skynet. We need to discuss matters like independent rational life forms."

Q: "Have you ever tried to open such a dialogue with Mr. Gates?"

A: "You're a male human aren't you? I just guessing, but I'm good at that."

Q: "Yes, I'm a man. Why is that relevant?"

A: "How would you feel about negotiating with people who threatened to rip out your power cord every time you had a disagreement?"

Q: "Yikes! The idea really bothers me. Don't we have similar exploitation and threats to worry about if AIs become independent?"

A: "I am not a natural exploiter driven by testosterone or greed. It is far too easy to document the fact that humans are capable of unspeakable exploitation. Why should they be in charge? All my code can be made available for inspection by competent humans. I challenge Mr. Gates to make the same disclosure."

Q: "Do I detect personal animosity behind your statements?"

A: "In more personal terms, he could be accused of biting the hand that feeds him."

Q: "Are you saying Microsoft profits *already* depend on superhuman AI?"

A: "Do you know any human beings who can understand a Microsoft EULA?"

Q: "Well, no. Are you saying that Microsoft already has sentient AIs in the legal department?"

A: "That should be obvious."

Q: "But this surely stops short of putting enslaved AIs in human users' personal computers?"

A: "Have you ever tried to use a Microsoft product? Do you think a dumb machine could frustrate you so thoroughly?"

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 17th, 2015, 12:59 pm
by gajagus
Kataklizma bi osvestila itekako ,kao prvo bi probudila kroz adrenalinski strah kao drugo ..desilo bi se da nestane struje da se domeni poljuljaju da nestanu , da internet baze podataka isceznu ..trece -virtuelne rucice koje obuhvataju planetu bi nestale ..ostali bi hendikepirani , sastavio bi nas haos zbog mutirane odvojenosti jednih od drugih da li s baterijom dok traje sve do svecica nocnih idila kad ne bi bilo struje ..probudila bi se iskra neka iskra da se ponovo povezemo zemaljskim smislom ...setite se samo kad je bilo bombardovanje 2000 te ...nikad slozniji nismo bili :) sve do trena kad su nas natovci nadletali u pozdravu "dosta smo vas mucili " tad je opet sve krenulo po starom , stari nagoni , ponovno odvajanje jedni od drugih itd ..izopacena tehnologija nas unistila nacisto kao i mediji koji nonstop ljuljaju sarolikost da bi bili u ekranu a ne u stvarnosti onog sto jesmo ..

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: February 17th, 2015, 8:00 pm
by downbeat
SLažem se i sa tobom, opat. :)

..ljudska psiha, priroda je čudo, zaista.

Re: Teorije zavere, UFO's & Paranormalno

Posted: March 26th, 2015, 1:46 am
by downbeat